One Year Blogoversery!!! (in which I tell you what I've learned)

6:00 AM

Yep, you've read right.

Stan is now a year old!!! *hurls coffee beans and confetti and happiness*

I can't believe I've now been blogging for a whole year. It doesn't feel like that long. Like, HOW? I am so, so glad I started it though. I have not had a single moment of regret. Blogging is such a blessing to me, and it's a way to share my thoughts and ideas with other writers in a beautiful way.

In typical Hannah fashion when she reaches a milestone like this, I'm going to give you a list of things I've learned from blogging. since I am poor and can't do something cool like a giveaway

#1: Just do it.

There's a lot of "just doing it" involved in blogging.

"I don't know what to post about next week. Maybe I'll write about vulnerability ...?" *Friday comes* "Um...." then you gotta JUST DO IT.

(also, no. i am not promoting Nike.)

But I'm serious. A lot of the time, I'll have a post and it's midnight on Friday and I need to sleep, but I just don't feel like posting it cause what if it's not good? What if I'm not coherent? What if people think these brain thoughts of mine are just silly and stupid?

You just gotta do it. And what happens, happens. And that's life for you.

#2: Make a schedule and stick to it.

This was a big "guideline" that I knew in a subconscious sort of way before I started blogging. I knew that if I wanted blogging to go well for me, I needed to set a schedule and stick with it. Otherwise, all order would collapse and I would get nothing done and never post and Stan would remain a tiny little creature and no one would ever come by.

Which might not have happened to that extent, but I would not have just reached 10k page views *goofy grin* and I would not have 88 followers.

Stan's been growing slow, but steady. And I think keeping a consistent posting schedule has really helped with that.

#3: Write what's on your mind.

The best posts I write are usually written in a single sitting the day before I need to post.

I like to ponder what I'll write about during the week, and when Friday night comes I'll sit down, crack my knuckles, and get to work. It usually takes me ... an hourish? I think? *should time myself sometime* If I've been pondering it all week, it comes easier. Then it's just getting a cover photo together.

In terms of building an audience, I would suggest ....

#4: Visit other blogs and comment.

If you're a blogger, do not be shy about commenting on blogs. That's how we know you're reading, and that you even exist! So all the comments help.

#5: It doesn't have to be perfect.

This ties back into the "just doing it" aspect of blogging. Blogging is an art form in itself, and art isn't supposed to be perfect. You have typos? That's okay. You have a few grammatical errors? Fine. Some analogies that are limp as wilted lettuce? Let it go.

Which leads to my last bit of advice to you guys.

#6: Let it go.

Just like you have to let go of your story, let go of each and every blog post you put up. Once you hit that publish button, it's out in the world. There's no taking it back. It's gone - bye bye. Which means it isn't yours anymore. Not really. In all likelihood, every person who reads it will take something from it differently than the other. Some meanings they derive may be ones you didn't even intend to incorporate.

But such is the beautiful, slightly messy way of art.

And I lied. I have one more point.

#7: You have a voice. 

Back when I first started, I was kind of insecure. I didn't know if I really had anything to contribute to the blogosphere. There are lots of other bloggers out there who are much wiser and more experienced than myself. What could I possibly have to offer?

It took me some time to discover what kind of posts hold my heart, and what the bulk of what I say here on Stan would be about. Encouragement rather than techy stuff. And that's okay. Encouragement is amazing, and so is the techy stuff. They're all good.

You have to find what you love and enjoy and embrace it. Don't feel bad about it since you might be different than others. Differences are good. Embrace them!

Another funny thing: I didn't really think I had a voice? Which is, ehem, stupid. Cause everyone does. But I felt like I was just a bland strip of words with no color or texture. I just kind of blended in and meshed with the rest of the world.

And then someone commented and said something along the lines of, "Your voice is so raw. You lay it all out there as it is."

And I was stunned by that. I'd never had the perspective to see my voice as others might, and when I read that comment it brought me a lot of peace. 

We all have a voice. But, since it's ours, we can't really see it. 

That doesn't mean it isn't there. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! I'm sorry I can't do a cool give away or something, but ... I'm poor. So just accept my love and hugs and coffee *passes out cocoa and coffee and chocolate*

Are you a blogger? What have you learned from it? If you're not a blogger, are there any aspects of blogging that you can take away for your writing? 


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  1. congrats to a year of blogging, girlie!! blogging has been so amazing - for me, it's almost like an online journal. I've been blogging for over three years now and it's been ah-mazing :D

    keep blogging, Hannah!

    1. Oh wow! Three years is such an amazing accomplishment! *hurls coffee beans* And yes yes yes to the online journal. I don't keep a hard-copy life journal, but blogging has basically become that for me.

  2. Congrats on your one year blogversary! :D I, personally, am glad that every blogger does things differently, because if we all did the same thing, it would be pretty boring. :P

    Since I've only just begun blogging, I'm still trying to figure some things out. And your blog is always so encouraging. That person was correct, you do tell it like it is, but what I like is that you also make me feel like it's okay. It's not the end of the world if you make a mistake or something. Like you've said, a few times now, we're all different. :)

    1. IKR? Differences are just so amazing. O.O And yesyesyes MISTAKES ARE NOT REALLY BAD. THEY JUST HELP YOU GROW. Yessss *nods vigorously* You are so right! <3

  3. Congrats on your blogversary!!! <3 You deserve every bit of your awesome stats and so much more!

    Gosh, this made me realize my bloversary is soon (two months, but shhh.) I've definitely learnt a lot from blogging, and found part of where I am in the blogging community, if not totally. It's a great creative outlet, and as writing is such a solitary activity, it's been amazing to connect with other young writers through it.

    Congrats again, and here's to another year of your wonderful posts! :D

    1. Ahhhh happy early blogoversary! Yes yes yes to that. It's a wonderful way to encourage each other along and feel not so alone. :)

  4. HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!! And oh you are totally a pro blogger with an amazing voice!! *sprinkles confetti in your hair* And I love your list of things. I'm very into schedules hehe, although I do like to have posts ready before time, except these days that rarely happens. #unorganisedqueen 😂 BUT STILL!! HAPPY DAY!! And I hope this is just the start of many years of wonderful blogging!!

    1. *dances in the confetti happily* YESSS you are totally the queen of schedules man. *shakes head in wonder*

  5. Oh my gosh i can't believe it's been a year since you started blogging! *gives you and Stan a birthday cake* And you already have so many followers oh my *is not jealous at all nope*
    I'm so proud of and happy for you! <3

    1. IKR. It feels longer?? EEE. *munches birthday cake*

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STAN! *all the cake* I can't believe you've only had Ink Blots And Coffee Stains for a whole year - it almost feels like you've been around longer ;).

    I'm SO HAPPY that you started blogging - your blog is legit one of my favorites, Hannah. Not even kidding. You're the best at writing inspirational, helpful posts, and I always get excited to see something new from you in my Blogger feed ;).

    I'm excited for another year full of epic Hannah-posts! *tosses confetti everywhere* <3 <3 <3

    ~ Savannah

    (oh, also, quick question - do we need to email Caroline Meek about which topics we'd like to reserve for Project Canvas, or just fill out the Google Form for that?)

    1. Awwww <3 *hugs* you are so sweet AHH <3 and I haven't really looked at the google form? I think either is fine, just whichever works best for you <3 Are you on board to write an article?? *squeals happily*

    2. I think so! I sent in a form for the How To Make Characters Come To Life topic (because CHARACTERS xD), so I'm hoping I'll be able to do that ;).

      ~ Savannah

    3. Ahhh yesss I can't wait!! It's going to be so lovely and epic and BEAUTIFUL. <3

    4. YUP I haven't got an email back about it yet but once I do, I'm going to hide in a Hobbit Hole and WRITE THE THING xD. Thank you, girl! <3

      ~ Savannah

  8. Happy Blogoversary!!!! *throws confetti* Here's to another year of amazingness!

    1. *twirls in confetti* Thank you so much!! :D

  9. Happy blogoversery!!! *echos Savannah* You always seem to post exactly the right thing at exactly the right time and it's always super encouraging and helpful and up-lifting.

    Those tips are amazing, too, and a perfect example of the above. :) Thank you.

    1. Ahhh <3 Thank YOU. You guys are always so encouraging to me. It goes both ways, you know <3

  10. Wow! Congratulations on a whole year of blogging! :D You have some good points, especially the first one! ;) I have to tell myself that for more things than just blogging.... XD

    1. Ahh, right? It's cool how principals like these can apply to more than just blogging. A lot of these are just good concepts for life, but they're taught to us in small ways through things like blogging. All the more reason to do it! :D

  11. OH MY GOSH HANNAH DEAR YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN BLOGGING FOR A YEAR??? I love this post and I love you and I love this blog. I am so stoked for all the amazing things you've been doing. you're such an inspiration. <3

    1. I WOULDN'T HAVE STARTED IF NOT FOR YOU. I meant to note that ... why didn't I note that??? *smacks head* Well, thank you so much for helping me get Stan up and running. I couldn't have done it without your techy advice and encouragement! <3

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I've enjoyed following you the past few months. (Also, the fact that you named your blog makes my day).

    I think blogging has taught me self-discipline. For once, I don't have someone else giving me a deadline; I'm making it for myself. And I'm actually capable of meeting those deadlines!

    1. Yesss that's another good one. I feel like blogging is a good idea for anyone who wants to be published someday. It introduces and gets us used to deadlines! Good point! :D

  13. James Oliver2/7/17, 3:13 PM


    1. *catches your cat and strokes shivering creature gently* There, there. Deep breaths XP *puts cat down* *LEAPS INTO THE AIR AND JOINS YOUR SCREAMING AND DANCES IN CONFETTI AND COFFEE BEANS*

  14. James Oliver2/7/17, 3:17 PM

    *Regains the composure I've never had* Cheers to another year of amazing posts and the heartwarming feeling I get when I see Stan in my notifications!

    1. Thank you so much for being such an encouragement to me <3 <3 <3 *all the hugs and KAHVE*

  15. It sure feels like it's been much less than a year! I so enjoy your blog, Hannah - and the wonderful insights you share with all of us. Here's to many more fabulous years of blogging for you! <3

    (also, sorry I'm so late in seeing this post. :P)

    1. Dude, it only went up yesterday! <3 I'm so glad you like Stan! Thank you for hanging out with us <3 Your comments always give me all the warm fuzzies and make me smile.

  16. I've also been blogging for about a year. Time really flies, huh?

    I guess the main thing I struggle with is feeling that it won't be perfect. Obviously there's no 'perfect' post but I always feel that I won't write enough so I usually chicken out and post a book review instead :/

    1. Ahhh I know that feel. Only, I don't do book reviews so I usually end up writing a funny post, or just gritting my teeth and hitting publish because I don't have the time to try to make it any better. But usually it's just that I've been up close with it for too long and wasn't able to look at it as art anymore. It was just a blob. But others didn't see it that way. So I'll reiterate my previous statement in that it's almost never as bad as you think it is ;)

  17. Well I'm kinda late but HAPPY ONE YEAR STAN AND HANNAH! I can't believe that it's been a year already 0.0

    Thank you for the amazing tips ^^ Especially number 7. I think that's something every blogger needs to be constantly reminded when they feel down about their blog and all.

    I'm so proud of you Hannah <3 I hope I'll be reading Stan for the years to come, or at least coming back in the future to reference old posts.

    - Andrea at A Surge of Thunder

    1. Thank you so much! It is soooo important that we remember we are all unique, special beans. It makes sense, but is so easy to forget.


Comments bring us happiness and warm fuzzies, so please share your thoughts! Stan and I want everyone to be welcome, so we ask that you be kind and courteous and use nice language.