Diagnosis: Laziness

6:00 AM

Back in *squints* was it really January? A WHOLE STINKIN' YEAR AGO? O.o Wow, does the time fly. Anyway, last year I made my first writer-blogger-bookish diagnosis. Recently I've been studying myself (don't worry, I have not yet extended my critical examinations to other humans.) and realized it might just be time for another diagnosis.

This weeks installment of Hannah's Definitely Professional Opinions?


I think laziness is a more difficult problem to spot. Why is that? Well, often times, we like our laziness. I have an hammock (given to me by my big brother who totally spoils me) and I love to hang it up in on definitely on the trees at a very safe distance from the ground don't worry. But when I climb into that nice, cocoon of warmth, I get sleepy. I lean back and cross my ankles and smile and gaze at the lovely world around me.

It's cozy. It's nice. It's relaxing.

But, ehem. I don't usually get much done. I might take out my science book or laptop, but somehow studying the viscosity of blood and the properties of hemoglobin just don't compete with sitting back and enjoying nature.

Yes, we need to sit back and enjoy nature every now and then. But not for three hours every day, at the expense of work we really need to be doing.

This line is so hard to walk. We need rest, but we can't let rest consume us. And we can't ignore responsibilities for the sake of recharging.

So where is the line? How do you do everything that you need to do, while still getting a healthy amount of rest? 

First suggestion? Make a list. So long as you keep all your to-do's floating around your mind, they will likely stay there. It's really hard to get All the Things done when you don't have a clear vision of what those things are. It makes laziness quite easy because we don't really know what we're supposed to be doing anyway, so why do anything at all? Might as well kick back and watch Netflix. 

Another suggestion would be to time yourself. Sometimes, we really do have an unfair amount of tasks at hand. It's just not possible to do them all in a day or a weekend. So keep track of how long you've been working so that you can allow yourself a break and not feel guilty about it. 

And my last thought would be to commit. Don't just make a list. Don't just watch the time. Say, "today, I am going to do this." And then do it. Tell someone else, and let them hold you accountable. If you want to reach a word count or finish a chapter, word wars are awesome. You can tell your buddies your goal, and they will fight you to it, and they won't let you go until it's done. 

Laziness is often a result of lack of preparation and thought. When we don't get a game plan or think things through, it's easy to just let it fall from our minds. Let's be more intentional. Let's be more determined. Let's put our chins up and chug down the copious amounts of coffee and get our game faces on. 

Make time for rest, but make time for responsibilities too. 


I hope you are all doing well! I've been struggling with laziness a lot this month. I've also found that laziness can be a self-defensive mechanism of sorts. A way of hiding from our fears and expectations. I'll delve more into that aspect of laziness next week. 

Do you struggle with laziness? Do you tend to let things fall to the wayside? What reasons do you find yourself doing this for? 


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  1. I am trying to find a balance for myself. It's really hard.

    1. It is, but don't give up! I believe in you!

  2. I've been struggling with just a lack of motivation. Making a list and making sure I accomplish certain things has been super helpful!! One day I accomplished a lot because I was motivated to get through that list.
    I think it is an easy pattern to fall into for sure!

    1. Yay for lists! They're a relatively new thing to me, but they are so valuable.

  3. I'm definitely a list person... if something's not on the list, it won't get done. And timing myself and committing to the task are things I've been told I should do (but being lazy is so much easier... *cringes at self*)

    I look forward to your next post!
    - Jem Jones

  4. Even though school isn't my favourite thing in the world, I have to admit that it really does help me to get back in track. However, I'm way better at being less lazy than I was about four years ago when I was fourteen (and now I'm turning 19 in less than ten days. NOOO)

    Making lists work. Especially for bullet journaling!


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